The Montessorian Way
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>> Teachers Training and Development
>> Montessorian Route
Montessorian Worldwide.
Universal Education and Fellowship.
Montessorian World Education and Fellowship.
Montessorian World is founded to propagate total education for the global community. We are committed to continual research & development of wholesome children education and beyond – unto adulthood.
Our Montessorian World Education creates the difference by advancing the relevance of Montessori Teaching Method for children education and the significance of total development of a person.
Together with Montessori Asia Council, we serve as an unification hub for the Montessorian communities and friends worldwide by offering one Global Montessorian World Education Network for goodwill exchanges and cooperation. Uniquely, we provide job & business creation opportunities and ongoing self help and fellowship programmes from personal enrichment to professional certification.
Montessorian World is a dedicated knowledge portal and a platform that promotes Montessorian World Education and Fellowship.
Our three main features of Montessorian World :
Children Development and Education
@ Montessorian World.
Dedicated to provide an enriched and nurturing environment that stimulates the learning potential of every child and inculcates into them a lifetime love for learning.
The Montessorian Child
Children come into the world with their own distinctive set of special skills, talents, abilities and personality.
Teachers Training and Development
@ Montessorian World
Montessorian World Education is for all and in particular, anyone interested in the relevance of Montessori Teaching Method for child development & its extended philosophy for life education, the new Paradigm of Learning
The Montessorian Educator
We extend the tradition of Montessori Teaching Method & Education and beyond into the total development of a person…the spirited change .
The Montessorian Route
Montesorian World Education and Development for all
Becoming Montessorian™
Mind of a Scientist, Love of a Saint, Heart of a Servant ©
Structured learning pathway with development opportunities for members to advance themselves to become a Certified Montessorian Professional and a CMEd Certified Montessorian Educator ™