operates in conjunction with Montessorian World

About Montessori Co
The Education + Business


Digitally supported by Qcircle, Montessorian World a large infrastructure of cyberspace for cooperative pursuits. It provides a shared environment with a structured “Education plus Business” Development Portal for all to participate creatively in the world of rapid digitalisation growth.


Job, business and value chain creation.
We provide a global platform with diversities and challenges for participants to collaborate purposefully, help one another unto the regeneration of ideas and creative development of them for a common good.


New Education
We advance entrepreneurial innovation and new education pathway opportunities with a cross disciplinary support system for applied development and practical application of it in creating new values.


Value Consortium Plan
We offer a set of Consortium Financial Plan with an innovative platform of internationally recognised knowledge portals and service channels for participants to grow purposefully anywhere and anytime.
