Teachers Training and Development

The Montessorian Educator.

Teach Me to Teach Myself :
The environment.

Training and Development @ Montessorian World
Montessorian World Education is for all parents, teachers, trainers, educators and anyone interested in the relevance of Montessori Teaching Method for child development & its extended philosophy for life education – the new Paradigm of Learning

The Montessorian Educator

We extend the tradition of Montessori Teaching Method & Education beyond – into the total development of a person. The School of Montessorian World Education emphasises on spirited change of the adult – parents, teachers, trainers or educators – as a prerequisite for the effective delivery of Montessori Teaching Method and Montessorian World Education.

“The real preparation for education is the study of one’s self…The training of the teacher…is something far more than the learning of ideas. It includes the training of character; it is a preparation of the spirit…” Dr Maria Montessori. 1870 -1952

“To be a Montessorian Educator is to be relevant, competent and professional always…possessing a continual quest for the mind of a scientist, love of a saint and heart of a servant… ”
Dr AT Ong.Founder, Montessorian World International

 At Montessorian World, we provide you a new way to progress.


” To be a respected Montessorian in Education is
to be revelant, competent and professional.”

“Becoming Montessorian
Mind of a Scientist : Love of a Saint : Heart of a Servant” 

Becoming Montessorian™, the development model that provides the transformational experience for parents, teachers, trainers and educators.

Becoming Montessorian ™ is a copyrighted and authorized Education & Membership program of Montessorian World International. The Program is structured with Learning Pathway and Development Opportunities for members to advance themselves to become a Certified Montessorian Professional and a CMEd Certified Montessorian Educator ™


Teachers Training and Development

The Montessorian Educator.

CMEd, Certified Montessorian Educators Program

For educators, principals, school owners and Montessorian Hosts
CMEd : Certified Montessorian Educator ™ is a Membership and Professional Credential from Montessorian World International. Qualified and senior members of the montessorian community in the field of education may apply for entry as mature candidates. Route to CMEd Credential Award .


Unique Features

 @ Montessorian World, provider of Montessori Method of Education that stresses development of initiative and freedom of child, helps children to reach their maximum learning potential, while becoming well balanced individuals. 

@ Montessorian World, provider of competency based education for adults that stress on the spirited development and transformation of a person . Becoming Montessorian : Mind of a Scientist, Love of a Saint, Heart of a Servant ™ is a  copyrighted Montessorian Education & Development program